Hi, I'm Margarida, a software developer. I like to code, learn and do stuff. Hit me up if you have a stupid idea that you would like to see converted to code. Graphic design is not my passion.

What I've been up to

  • SvelteUI
  • Component and utility library for Svelte and SvelteKit. I'm one of the maintainers, it's still beta, but it's been really cool developing with a community of people giving feedback and using it.
  • I would like to contribute
  • A simple SvelteKit web application that uses the search endpoint of GitHub API to look for small/medium projects that are open to contributions. Not really that useful, but it was cool to try out SvelteKit 1.0.
  • Video to GIF
  • A simple SolidJS web application that converts small videos into GIFs. Emphasis on small, since ffmpeg running with WASM cannot handle big videos due to memory limitations. It was more of an excuse to experiment with SolidJS and vent my frustration with BitBucket awful experience when trying to add videos to issues *I'm still mad*.
  • More stuff not yet ready